So it's been a long time this blog was not updated. Now it is & it has also changed name from srijasminptc to srijasminjmb because on the 30th Nov 2008, the First Meeting of the JMB for Sri Jasmin, BUTL, was convened by the Resident Association of Residence & House Buyers of BUTL (PPPRBUTL). There were quite a huge turn out that includes the following guest.
MPN's COB: En. Raja Azhal
MPN's Penilaian & Pengurusan Harta: En. Zulkiefly
MP for Seremban: YB John Fernandez
The meeting was a success & the JMB office bearers were elected. The left panel shows the office bearers.
So the previous Pro Tem Committees & Block Representative below are bygones. Some of the committees & block representatives did an excellent job, some did an ok job & some did zero. The ones who did an excellent job who did not want to be office bearers has an asterick (*) to their names. A BIG THANK YOU for the Excellence & to those who did an ok job. Let's not dwell on those who were zeroes shall we, because the JMB does not have time to be involved in defamation suits.
A new dawn has arrived.
So Let Bygones
be bygones
Pro Tem Committee Elected On 17 Aug 2008.
President - Dr. Azlan (SJ3)
Vice President - Mr. Azmi (SJ6)
Secretary - Mr. Kelvin Koh (SJ3)
Asst. Secretary - Mr. Lai YK (SJ6)
Treasurer - Mr. Shamzaini (SJ11)
Committee - Mr. Thomas Wong (SJ5)
Committee - Mr. Ramasamy (SJ2)
Block Representative
SJ01 - Chan Kong Sing
SJ02 - Rosli Mustaffa
SJ03 - Muhamad Azlan
SJ04 - Tanujah A/L Rajalingam*
SJ05 - Wong Kong Cheong
SJ06 - Azmi Basir
SJ07 - Mohd Sabri Abu Bakar
SJ08 - Siti Amelia Mastura
SJ09 - Mardiyah Mansor
SJ10 - Mohd Yusuf
SJ11 - Mohd Shamzaini
JMB First Meeting on 30 Nov 2008
As we all know it, time has arrived for a JMB for Sri Jasmin. This is the time where you can no longer be a fence sitter. Either you are with us or against us. "Us" in this context means the Maintenance Fee paying purchaser.
Put this event in your diary, phone, pda, scheduler & your Mind.
Put this event in your diary, phone, pda, scheduler & your Mind.
JMB Date : 30 November 2008
12PM – 2PM : Refreshments and Discussion of Issues in Sri Jasmin.
2PM – 3PM : Nomination and Election of Officer Bearers of the JMB of Sri Jasmin.
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Sri Jasmin, Bandar University Teknologi Lagenda
The truth will prevail !
Lai YK
Secretary of PPPRBUTL
Assistant Secretary of Sri Jasmin PTC
2PM – 3PM : Nomination and Election of Officer Bearers of the JMB of Sri Jasmin.
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Sri Jasmin, Bandar University Teknologi Lagenda
The truth will prevail !
Lai YK
Secretary of PPPRBUTL
Assistant Secretary of Sri Jasmin PTC
Map From Exit 205 - Nilai Toll on the PLUS (North South Highway) to Sri Jasmin.
Sri Jasmin Will Have a JMB this Month
construction immaculé
There is something about BUTL that is really captivating that so many foreign students come here to study. Well, some say at least 20% of the students, some say more. Not sure why. But if you are from africa & you speak french, then you would noticed that the title of this article will describe something so perfect, it will keep you thinking about it day after day after day.
Because it is! Now don't go sitting on the ledge of your window!!!
You see, all windows have ledges. | |
Some window ledges was used as an astray. | |
Not a good idea, but.. take a closer look. | |
Does it look like styrofoam to you? |
Not so easy after 11PM
Meeting Minutes of 21 Sep 08
To All Protem Committe Members / Sri Jasminians,
Attendees ( Protem Committe ) :
1) Kelvin Koh
2) Lai Yok Kin
3) Azmi Basir
4) Shamzaini
5) Ramasamy
In addition, several SJ purchasers also turned up to attend the meeting. They are,
1) Nor Azam B. Ismail
2) R. Segar
3) Ms Ong Boon Yang & Mr Lai Joo Seng
4) Lim Wah Chin
5) Idris B. Abd Majid
6) Joey Chan Swee Yee
7) Rajalingam
8) Tanujah V Rajalingam
9) Md Yusof Abu Bakar
1) Enquiries were made through one of the purchaser, that interested parties are keen to come in and rent the cafeteria to operate food outlets there. However, concerns were raised on the viability of such a move beside legal, rights issues, not forgetting control and upkeep of the premises once the food outlets were to start operating there. Rental-wise, may not be easily justifiable, whatever the amount may be. Most pressing issue will be the rights of the rental collection if this complies under the jurisdiction of the protem committe. A check with a property consultant friend revealed that risk factor is there, legally. However, since the developer Dataran Mantin ( DM ) has already issued a letter before, discarding its role and is no longer responsible anymore to SJ here, it is very unlikely the developer will raise any furore or protest on these common properties fate in the event there are being rented out. Committe will meet and decide later for a final decision.
2) Trees, shroubs, grasses & branches are all over the places. Like in any decent taman or vicinity, SJ should also be taken care of to have the maintenance crew to trim, cut and beautify the areas! Mooted to delegate this task to Shamzaini & Azmi to appoint or undertake the grass-cutting excercise at a quarterly interval of RM750 x 2 grass-cutters. However, this was shot down and has to be set aside due to very tight maintenance fees collection so far and is unable to justify at this point of time to carry-out the grass cutting. The committe however would appreciate both committe members to render whatever time and labor possible to carry out some grass-cutting on a voluntary basis, till the undying, never-give-up attitude of this protem committe effort to see ALL purchasers to co-operate and contribute to the payment of maintenance fees are duly paid up every month. Committe will discuss and update further.
[More Info on the Meeting Minutes are located in the discussion group]
Attendees ( Protem Committe ) :
1) Kelvin Koh
2) Lai Yok Kin
3) Azmi Basir
4) Shamzaini
5) Ramasamy
In addition, several SJ purchasers also turned up to attend the meeting. They are,
1) Nor Azam B. Ismail
2) R. Segar
3) Ms Ong Boon Yang & Mr Lai Joo Seng
4) Lim Wah Chin
5) Idris B. Abd Majid
6) Joey Chan Swee Yee
7) Rajalingam
8) Tanujah V Rajalingam
9) Md Yusof Abu Bakar
1) Enquiries were made through one of the purchaser, that interested parties are keen to come in and rent the cafeteria to operate food outlets there. However, concerns were raised on the viability of such a move beside legal, rights issues, not forgetting control and upkeep of the premises once the food outlets were to start operating there. Rental-wise, may not be easily justifiable, whatever the amount may be. Most pressing issue will be the rights of the rental collection if this complies under the jurisdiction of the protem committe. A check with a property consultant friend revealed that risk factor is there, legally. However, since the developer Dataran Mantin ( DM ) has already issued a letter before, discarding its role and is no longer responsible anymore to SJ here, it is very unlikely the developer will raise any furore or protest on these common properties fate in the event there are being rented out. Committe will meet and decide later for a final decision.
2) Trees, shroubs, grasses & branches are all over the places. Like in any decent taman or vicinity, SJ should also be taken care of to have the maintenance crew to trim, cut and beautify the areas! Mooted to delegate this task to Shamzaini & Azmi to appoint or undertake the grass-cutting excercise at a quarterly interval of RM750 x 2 grass-cutters. However, this was shot down and has to be set aside due to very tight maintenance fees collection so far and is unable to justify at this point of time to carry-out the grass cutting. The committe however would appreciate both committe members to render whatever time and labor possible to carry out some grass-cutting on a voluntary basis, till the undying, never-give-up attitude of this protem committe effort to see ALL purchasers to co-operate and contribute to the payment of maintenance fees are duly paid up every month. Committe will discuss and update further.
[More Info on the Meeting Minutes are located in the discussion group]
As of 21 Sep 08, the underground piping is now fully tarred.
[Latest News] As of Friday, 26 Sep 2008, Guards have already started work.
So if you haven't joined us, please do so. Please refer to the footer of this website for more information.
Main Water Pipe Fixed
You need to join the Sri Jasmin discussion at
Possible only if you are a Sri Jasmin Owner & paid your maintenance fee to the
Pro Tem Committee. Thank you.
Destructions on Sri Jasmin
Below are some of the pictures taken on 24 Aug 2008. If the JMB is not formed, more serious problems will surface.
Meeting on 17 Aug 2008
Pay Your Maintenance Fee & Join Discussion Group
Yes, if you have paid your maintenance fee. Please join us in our discussion on how to rebuild Sri Jasmin.
Below are the 3 Main Reasons to Join this Group
1. You need to air your views
2. You get to see what is going on and what is discussed
3. You get to see the accounts of the Committee (updated every 1st & 16th)
How To Join SriJasminOwners Yahoo! Group
Better still if you can volunteer, as we really need committed people. If everyone were to shy away from their duties, only disaster will be upon us.
Join us!
Below are the 3 Main Reasons to Join this Group
1. You need to air your views
2. You get to see what is going on and what is discussed
3. You get to see the accounts of the Committee (updated every 1st & 16th)
How To Join SriJasminOwners Yahoo! Group
Better still if you can volunteer, as we really need committed people. If everyone were to shy away from their duties, only disaster will be upon us.
Join us!
JMB vs PTC (updated)
We need a Joint Management Body ("JMB"). We need a body that can act against those errant owners who fails their duties not only as an owner of a unit at Sri Jasmin but also their failure as a human being.
This harsh words are strictly meant for those onwers of Sri Jasmin who refuses to pay the maintenance fee to the Pro Tem Committee ("PTC") that have tenants and who is not a bankrupt. Those who are bankrupt or unit being lelong by the banks are of course being excluded from verbal abuse by 90% of Sri Jasmin owners. Those who haven't got a tenant can be sort of be forgiven if they can't pay up the maintenance fee as the bank charges itself is enough to bring up their levels of stress. But those who can afford it should pay because if you want to rent out your apartment, you need to let the committee knows that your unit is empty & it should remain empty. How else would the committee be able to keep an eye on such property if you don't pay the maintenance fee?
But currently, there is no JMB. What we have is only a PTC at Sri Jasmin. So it is only trust and unity that binds us all together. There is no law to implement anything. So this is the problem we are facing and the PTC is trying to get the Commissioner Of Buildings ("COB") to convene the First Meeting of the JMB.
Much can be read about the JMB on the following site during the "hot" April days.
Why was it so hot? Because knowing Dataran Mantin ("DM") as usual will find every loop hole available to make themselves more famous or infamous. 12 April 2007, the local council has gazzetted the newly formed Act called Act 663 known as "Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007".
Here's the proof.
PU(B) 141/2007
IN exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 1(3) of the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 [Act 663], the Minister, after consultation with the State Authority of Negeri Sembilan, appoints 12 April 2007 as the date on which the Act comes into operation in all the local authority areas in the State of Negeri Sembilan.
So you see, April 2007 was hot because all developers of completed buildings with common properties must call the First Meeting of the JMB within one (1) year from the date of which the Act 663 comes into operation. Those who went for the meeting in April 2008 set by DM must have felt cheated, yet again..
But those who came for the meeting on 17 August 2008 were furious even without hearing the word "dataran mantin". But they all ended up very supportive because this meeting was not organised by DM. This meeting was organised by none other than an ordinary member of society, a simple malaysian chap who decided that it is worth it to part some of his own money to organise a meeting of all Sri Jasmin owners to get everyone to understand and help rebuild Sri Jasmin. If you are not in our Yahoo! Group, you won't know who actually volunteered to clean up the Multi-purpose Hall at 7AM in the morning.
So at 10AM, those who came, got a flyer on the essentials of the JMB. You are, needless to say, encouraged to read & understand everything of Act 663 that can be found in the National House Buyers Association ("HBA") website.
You can also email them (they are very helpful).
So we shall end this post with the information on the flyer.
What is Act 663: Building And Common Property (Maintenance And Management) Act 2007?
Act 663 is a newly gazetted law to enable purchasers a larger share on the management of their property. Before this new law comes into place, all purchasers have absolutely no say on how the property is managed until strata title application & sub-division followed by the creation of a MC & election of its committees is completed. With the Act 663 in place, even without strata title, purchasers can elect a JMB, which is equivalent to a MC.
Who are the players of this Act 663?
The main players are the Commissioner of Buildings (“COB”), the Managing Agents and the JMB. The COB has all the rights to compound and take legal action against those who violates this Act 663. The managing agents are the ones appointed by the COB to manage the property if the JMB was not successfully formed. The JMB is a body of 5 to 12 purchasers & 1 from the developer. Once the JMB is formed, all maintenance fee, sinking funds & other fees are payable to the JMB; the developer takes order from the JMB.
What should the JMB do & what can the JMB do?
The JMB is a very powerful body. The JMB is also a representative of purchasers. The JMB, as stated in Section 8 of Act 663, has a duty to maintain the common property, determine and impose charges, insure the building, to comply notices from local authority to repair and / or improve the common property, maintain a register of all purchasers, ensure Building Maintenance Fund is audited & proved audited financial statements to purchasers & enforce house rules.
The powers of the JMB includes collecting maintenance & management charges, authorize expenditure to carry out maintenance & management of the common property, make house rules and all things necessary for the performance of their duties spelt out above. The JMB also has the powers to take legal action to recover unpaid maintenance & management fees, which can lead to public auction of the purchaser's movable property within the local council.
In short, you, the purchaser, are the ones calling the shots, NOT the developer. You form the JMB to manage the place & answers to all purchasers. The JMB can sue as well as be sued.
This harsh words are strictly meant for those onwers of Sri Jasmin who refuses to pay the maintenance fee to the Pro Tem Committee ("PTC") that have tenants and who is not a bankrupt. Those who are bankrupt or unit being lelong by the banks are of course being excluded from verbal abuse by 90% of Sri Jasmin owners. Those who haven't got a tenant can be sort of be forgiven if they can't pay up the maintenance fee as the bank charges itself is enough to bring up their levels of stress. But those who can afford it should pay because if you want to rent out your apartment, you need to let the committee knows that your unit is empty & it should remain empty. How else would the committee be able to keep an eye on such property if you don't pay the maintenance fee?
But currently, there is no JMB. What we have is only a PTC at Sri Jasmin. So it is only trust and unity that binds us all together. There is no law to implement anything. So this is the problem we are facing and the PTC is trying to get the Commissioner Of Buildings ("COB") to convene the First Meeting of the JMB.
Much can be read about the JMB on the following site during the "hot" April days.
Why was it so hot? Because knowing Dataran Mantin ("DM") as usual will find every loop hole available to make themselves more famous or infamous. 12 April 2007, the local council has gazzetted the newly formed Act called Act 663 known as "Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007".
Here's the proof.
PU(B) 141/2007
IN exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 1(3) of the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 [Act 663], the Minister, after consultation with the State Authority of Negeri Sembilan, appoints 12 April 2007 as the date on which the Act comes into operation in all the local authority areas in the State of Negeri Sembilan.
So you see, April 2007 was hot because all developers of completed buildings with common properties must call the First Meeting of the JMB within one (1) year from the date of which the Act 663 comes into operation. Those who went for the meeting in April 2008 set by DM must have felt cheated, yet again..
But those who came for the meeting on 17 August 2008 were furious even without hearing the word "dataran mantin". But they all ended up very supportive because this meeting was not organised by DM. This meeting was organised by none other than an ordinary member of society, a simple malaysian chap who decided that it is worth it to part some of his own money to organise a meeting of all Sri Jasmin owners to get everyone to understand and help rebuild Sri Jasmin. If you are not in our Yahoo! Group, you won't know who actually volunteered to clean up the Multi-purpose Hall at 7AM in the morning.
So at 10AM, those who came, got a flyer on the essentials of the JMB. You are, needless to say, encouraged to read & understand everything of Act 663 that can be found in the National House Buyers Association ("HBA") website.
You can also email them (they are very helpful).
So we shall end this post with the information on the flyer.
What is Act 663: Building And Common Property (Maintenance And Management) Act 2007?
Act 663 is a newly gazetted law to enable purchasers a larger share on the management of their property. Before this new law comes into place, all purchasers have absolutely no say on how the property is managed until strata title application & sub-division followed by the creation of a MC & election of its committees is completed. With the Act 663 in place, even without strata title, purchasers can elect a JMB, which is equivalent to a MC.
Who are the players of this Act 663?
The main players are the Commissioner of Buildings (“COB”), the Managing Agents and the JMB. The COB has all the rights to compound and take legal action against those who violates this Act 663. The managing agents are the ones appointed by the COB to manage the property if the JMB was not successfully formed. The JMB is a body of 5 to 12 purchasers & 1 from the developer. Once the JMB is formed, all maintenance fee, sinking funds & other fees are payable to the JMB; the developer takes order from the JMB.
What should the JMB do & what can the JMB do?
The JMB is a very powerful body. The JMB is also a representative of purchasers. The JMB, as stated in Section 8 of Act 663, has a duty to maintain the common property, determine and impose charges, insure the building, to comply notices from local authority to repair and / or improve the common property, maintain a register of all purchasers, ensure Building Maintenance Fund is audited & proved audited financial statements to purchasers & enforce house rules.
The powers of the JMB includes collecting maintenance & management charges, authorize expenditure to carry out maintenance & management of the common property, make house rules and all things necessary for the performance of their duties spelt out above. The JMB also has the powers to take legal action to recover unpaid maintenance & management fees, which can lead to public auction of the purchaser's movable property within the local council.
In short, you, the purchaser, are the ones calling the shots, NOT the developer. You form the JMB to manage the place & answers to all purchasers. The JMB can sue as well as be sued.
Official Pro Tem Committee Web Blog
What a great morning it was: yesterday, Sunday 17 August 2008. Those who came would have already knew the reasons that this is just a Pro Tem Committee (PTC). We are not yet the Joint Management Body (JMB). When that will happen will depend on how many Letters of Demand we will send to both the Commissioner of Buildings & Dataran Mantin.
All of us know why we were there. A committee has been elected & this PTC will be held responsible for all the maintenance money collected. Collection was good but due to the turn out, it will not be enough to cover 2 months. For those who have paid the maintenance fee, please join the discussion group at
The discussion group is only opened to those who have paid the maintenance fee. Those who have not paid the maintenance fee will only have information coming from this blog. The maintenance fee is fixed at RM 60 per month (whether or not it is tenanted). A bank account will be created for those who have yet to pay the maintenance fee. Maintenance fee collection right now is only just about enough for fixing the main water pipe & temporary security for this month. Vandals are at it again...
Why you need to pay maintenance.
0. Water pipe bocor! Yes, that needs a few thousand to fix.
1. Security - we need Sri Jasmin to be free from vandals.
IF you have no tenants, please inform us so that no one is living in your apartment !
2. We need to put the lighting back to the common areas but will only happen once security is restored.
3. Cleanliness - we did not pay > RM 130,000 apartment for a Sick Joke. We paid that for Sri Jasmin! Even if the value is RM 60,000 now, we still expect a certain level of hygiene in the area!
All of us know why we were there. A committee has been elected & this PTC will be held responsible for all the maintenance money collected. Collection was good but due to the turn out, it will not be enough to cover 2 months. For those who have paid the maintenance fee, please join the discussion group at
The discussion group is only opened to those who have paid the maintenance fee. Those who have not paid the maintenance fee will only have information coming from this blog. The maintenance fee is fixed at RM 60 per month (whether or not it is tenanted). A bank account will be created for those who have yet to pay the maintenance fee. Maintenance fee collection right now is only just about enough for fixing the main water pipe & temporary security for this month. Vandals are at it again...
Why you need to pay maintenance.
0. Water pipe bocor! Yes, that needs a few thousand to fix.
1. Security - we need Sri Jasmin to be free from vandals.
IF you have no tenants, please inform us so that no one is living in your apartment !
2. We need to put the lighting back to the common areas but will only happen once security is restored.
3. Cleanliness - we did not pay > RM 130,000 apartment for a Sick Joke. We paid that for Sri Jasmin! Even if the value is RM 60,000 now, we still expect a certain level of hygiene in the area!
Official JMB Web Blog
Hi All,
A new web blog strictly meant for the update & dissemination of information directly from the horse's mouth is now ready.
A group of dedicated owners of Sri Jasmin, BUTL, is busy gearing for the upcoming meeting on 17th August 2008.
All will be revealed then.
See you all there.
A new web blog strictly meant for the update & dissemination of information directly from the horse's mouth is now ready.
A group of dedicated owners of Sri Jasmin, BUTL, is busy gearing for the upcoming meeting on 17th August 2008.
All will be revealed then.
See you all there.
10 AM, 17th August 2008
Multi-purpose Hall, Sri Jasmin
Bandar Universiti Teknologi Legenda
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