While the JMB takes every effort to provide the most accurate information, the JMB cannot be held liable from any legal proceeding from the use of materials arising from this webblog or links from this webblog or any other content directly or indirectly linked.
Due to the uniqueness of BUTL, authors or guests who placed comments that may attract attention may be the view of individuals and may not be that of the JMB. All offending articles or comments will be immediately removed.
You agree to use this webblog as a means to get views from Sri Jasmin and shall not hold any person or entity liable for any damages.
A JMB Department called Owner-Representative has been formed. This department will handle all the rentals and collections (if required).
What's inside the discussion group? 1. All the news of Sri Jasmin & owner's comments. 2. All the land, company, etc, searches - something that's important to know as a BUTL buyer! 3. Who has paid & who has not paid Maintenance. 4. Be a decision maker as there will be polls to allow group members to vote for key decisions. 5. Loads of photos & many more!
So if you are a Sri Jasmin owner, join the group! Thank you.
Joint Management Committee
On 18 Dec 2011, the 2nd Board of Office Bearers were elected. Committees is as follows.
President - Mr. Yoo Khee Chai (SJ3)
Secretary - Mr. Joshua Koh Joo Wah (SJ2)
Treasurer - Mr. Peter Lau Hui Yu (SJ5)
Committee - Ms. Tai Chwan Siew (SJ3)Committee - Ms. Suzanah Ahmad (SJ5)