
Meeting Minutes of 21 Sep 08

To All Protem Committe Members / Sri Jasminians,

Attendees ( Protem Committe ) :
1) Kelvin Koh
2) Lai Yok Kin
3) Azmi Basir
4) Shamzaini
5) Ramasamy

In addition, several SJ purchasers also turned up to attend the meeting. They are,
1) Nor Azam B. Ismail
2) R. Segar
3) Ms Ong Boon Yang & Mr Lai Joo Seng
4) Lim Wah Chin
5) Idris B. Abd Majid
6) Joey Chan Swee Yee
7) Rajalingam
8) Tanujah V Rajalingam
9) Md Yusof Abu Bakar

1) Enquiries were made through one of the purchaser, that interested parties are keen to come in and rent the cafeteria to operate food outlets there. However, concerns were raised on the viability of such a move beside legal, rights issues, not forgetting control and upkeep of the premises once the food outlets were to start operating there. Rental-wise, may not be easily justifiable, whatever the amount may be. Most pressing issue will be the rights of the rental collection if this complies under the jurisdiction of the protem committe. A check with a property consultant friend revealed that risk factor is there, legally. However, since the developer Dataran Mantin ( DM ) has already issued a letter before, discarding its role and is no longer responsible anymore to SJ here, it is very unlikely the developer will raise any furore or protest on these common properties fate in the event there are being rented out. Committe will meet and decide later for a final decision.

2) Trees, shroubs, grasses & branches are all over the places. Like in any decent taman or vicinity, SJ should also be taken care of to have the maintenance crew to trim, cut and beautify the areas! Mooted to delegate this task to Shamzaini & Azmi to appoint or undertake the grass-cutting excercise at a quarterly interval of RM750 x 2 grass-cutters. However, this was shot down and has to be set aside due to very tight maintenance fees collection so far and is unable to justify at this point of time to carry-out the grass cutting. The committe however would appreciate both committe members to render whatever time and labor possible to carry out some grass-cutting on a voluntary basis, till the undying, never-give-up attitude of this protem committe effort to see ALL purchasers to co-operate and contribute to the payment of maintenance fees are duly paid up every month. Committe will discuss and update further.

[More Info on the Meeting Minutes are located in the discussion group]

As of 21 Sep 08, the underground piping is now fully tarred.

[Latest News] As of Friday, 26 Sep 2008, Guards have already started work.

So if you haven't joined us, please do so. Please refer to the footer of this website for more information.


Main Water Pipe Fixed

This was a problem. Water kept leaking from the burst pipe.
The pro tem committee has sorted this out.
So to see more of the pics from the ones here
to here
and here, where it is still waiting for the soil to settled before finally get this "hole" tarred.

You need to join the Sri Jasmin discussion at

Possible only if you are a Sri Jasmin Owner & paid your maintenance fee to the
Pro Tem Committee. Thank you.


Destructions on Sri Jasmin

Below are some of the pictures taken on 24 Aug 2008. If the JMB is not formed, more serious problems will surface.
This is the main water pipe.
This is the main tanki, where the "hole" is actually an the excavation & fixing of the underground piping took place.
This is the 3 Grundfos pump to pump water to 7 blocks.
This is the 3 Grundfos pump to pump water to 4 blocks. Look closely, left pump leaking.
This is what the aluminum door at the ground floor underneath the stairs suppose to be.
This is what's happening to most blocks, we don't need to put this side by side to launch a game of spot what's missing.
This is one of the apartments were you will be forgiven for thinking someone tried some experiment.
Act of sabotage? Why cut the electrical cables?
This is one the untenanted living rooms of sri jasmin apartment.
This is another untenanted "kitchen" of sri jasmin apartment.
This is on the ground floor where windows has been stripped.
The aluminum frame has been removed & the window panes just left in the room. Well, looks like they can't strip the frame that is attached to the wall. So after one try, they have decided that it not worth the time.
Not surprising, man-hole covers are being "recycled".
Hammer throwing is a sport in Olympics but aiming it to a car windshield is not one & neither is this person an Olympian.
This is the invoice & receipt for the underground pipe fixing, only left the tarring of the "hole". This needs the sand to be compressed first.
These are some of the bills. Each block has a common area & the main power supply to the grundfos pumps also uses electricity.

Meeting on 17 Aug 2008

If you were to put these 3 photos together, it would be panaromic.

Yup, 54 parcel owners & their family came for the meeting.

Thank you Sri Palma Villa, without them, there won't be 80% seating down.


Pay Your Maintenance Fee & Join Discussion Group

Yes, if you have paid your maintenance fee. Please join us in our discussion on how to rebuild Sri Jasmin.

Below are the 3 Main Reasons to Join this Group
1. You need to air your views
2. You get to see what is going on and what is discussed
3. You get to see the accounts of the Committee (updated every 1st & 16th)

How To Join SriJasminOwners Yahoo! Group

Better still if you can volunteer, as we really need committed people. If everyone were to shy away from their duties, only disaster will be upon us.

Join us!