What a great morning it was: yesterday, Sunday 17 August 2008. Those who came would have already knew the reasons that this is just a Pro Tem Committee (PTC). We are not yet the Joint Management Body (JMB). When that will happen will depend on how many Letters of Demand we will send to both the Commissioner of Buildings & Dataran Mantin.
All of us know why we were there. A committee has been elected & this PTC will be held responsible for all the maintenance money collected. Collection was good but due to the turn out, it will not be enough to cover 2 months. For those who have paid the maintenance fee, please join the discussion group at
The discussion group is only opened to those who have paid the maintenance fee. Those who have not paid the maintenance fee will only have information coming from this blog. The maintenance fee is fixed at RM 60 per month (whether or not it is tenanted). A bank account will be created for those who have yet to pay the maintenance fee. Maintenance fee collection right now is only just about enough for fixing the main water pipe & temporary security for this month. Vandals are at it again...
Why you need to pay maintenance.
0. Water pipe bocor! Yes, that needs a few thousand to fix.
1. Security - we need Sri Jasmin to be free from vandals.
IF you have no tenants, please inform us so that no one is living in your apartment !
2. We need to put the lighting back to the common areas but will only happen once security is restored.
3. Cleanliness - we did not pay > RM 130,000 apartment for a Sick Joke. We paid that for Sri Jasmin! Even if the value is RM 60,000 now, we still expect a certain level of hygiene in the area!