The JMB would like to highlight the current plight of the water situation in Sri Jasmin. There has been leakages that was fixed, unpaid water bills from Dataran Mantin days, still the RM1.60 per m3 commercial rates & dialogs with JBA NS is still on going. There is water in Sri Jasmin, of course that is after the JMB has paid some of the water bill.
Now that the bulk meter is spoilt as said by JBA, fixing this will again cost more money. But is it worth fixing it or is it better to just pay RM 13, 215.70 a month? Mind you, we only collected RM 25k during the JMB meeting, & that money was meant for maintenance of Sri Jasmin for 3 months. You are the owners, afloat or bone-dry, you be the choice.