As we all know it, time has arrived for a JMB for Sri Jasmin. This is the time where you can no longer be a fence sitter. Either you are with us or against us. "Us" in this context means the Maintenance Fee paying purchaser.
Put this event in your diary, phone, pda, scheduler & your Mind.
Put this event in your diary, phone, pda, scheduler & your Mind.
JMB Date : 30 November 2008
12PM – 2PM : Refreshments and Discussion of Issues in Sri Jasmin.
2PM – 3PM : Nomination and Election of Officer Bearers of the JMB of Sri Jasmin.
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Sri Jasmin, Bandar University Teknologi Lagenda
The truth will prevail !
Lai YK
Secretary of PPPRBUTL
Assistant Secretary of Sri Jasmin PTC
2PM – 3PM : Nomination and Election of Officer Bearers of the JMB of Sri Jasmin.
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Sri Jasmin, Bandar University Teknologi Lagenda
The truth will prevail !
Lai YK
Secretary of PPPRBUTL
Assistant Secretary of Sri Jasmin PTC
Map From Exit 205 - Nilai Toll on the PLUS (North South Highway) to Sri Jasmin.